Sound Sessions

What do you yearn for? Healing, a meaningful life, inner peace, guidance? Or perhaps you want to gather in a group to share and heal through ritual and ceremony. Join me and embark on a journey of sound healing.

Healing with Sound

Experience deep healing and alignment through the powerful vibrations of sound.

Group ceremonies

This wellness offering can help improve focus, creativity, and productivity. A chance to reset and rebuild a cohesive team.

Attune to Your Inner Self

Through guided meditations, sound, energy work, and mentorship, Roxanna will help you attune to your inner wisdom and connect with your authentic self.


Experience true healing and transformation with sound.

Sound Healing Sessions

Embark on a journey to complete well-being through the transformative power of sound. Each session is customized to meet your unique needs, creating a personalized healing experience just for you. By combining meditation, gentle breathwork, sound therapy, mantras, affirmations, oracle cards, and your personal intentions, we pave the way for rejuvenation. Whether you aim to reduce stress, release emotional blockages, or enhance your overall wellness, the sound healing sessions provide a path to renewal and insight.

Group Sound Ceremonies

Group sound ceremonies are an exceptional way to celebrate milestones, foster team unity, or mark significant events. Tailored to your specific theme, these ceremonies promote a shared sense of purpose, encourage open communication, and enhance team cohesion, all while offering a rejuvenating experience that aligns with your organizational goals.

Sound Chakra Balancing & Energy Healing

Experience the healing power of energy healing and chakra balancing with the crystal alchemy singing bowls. Let the vibrations release blockages and restore the flow of energy in your body.

Attuning Within

Journey to Inner Peace and Wellness

Embark on a healing journey with sound. Experience the profound impact of the crystal alchemy singing bowls and begin to attune within. Here you may discover inner peace, balance, and alignment with your authentic self.

Healing with Sound

Transform your life through the healing vibrations of sound

EMPOWERED Mentorship

Receive personalized guidance and support to help you awaken your inner potential.


Take control of your well-being and empower yourself through sound healing


Experience a rebirth and transform into your highest potential

Embark on a journey of healing, empowerment, and transformation

Are you ready to awaken your true potential and experience profound healing?

heart-centered, Intuitive Sound alchemist & Transformational coach

About Roxanna

Meet Roxanna, a trusted guide to those ready to say YES! to their inner transformation and awaken to their wholeness. Working with individuals on their healing journey and fellow practitioners stepping into their brilliance, she provides a sacred space, bringing compassion and deep presence. She weaves together Sound, Functional Medicine, Embodiment, Meditation, Breathwork, and Reiki to promote the full spectrum of healing.

With a Bachelor’s in Psychology and a minor in Ethnic Studies, her professional career has encompassed working at various heart-centered non-profit organizations whose missions entailed supporting people with cancer, end-of-life transitions, promoting racial, economic, and gender justice, and advancing the welfare of animals. 

It has been a journey of surrender and lifelong devotion to growth, service, and discovery that has brought her here today as an intuitive sound healing practitioner and author. 

“To enter into the initiation of sound, of vibration and mindfulness, is to take a giant step toward consciously knowing the soul.”
– Don G. Campbell

Raving testimonials from satisfied clients

Incredible transformations and healing through sound & deep, compassionate presence.

Attuning Within’s sound healing sessions has brought me a sense of peace, clarity, and inner strength. I highly recommend it.

Laurie M.

Roxanna inspires me to want to learn and grow into a better version of myself.  She is one of the most genuine and caring people I have encountered.  I feel seen and heard and cared for in her presence and always leave a sound session with her feeling like the deepest parts of myself have been renewed.  Simply put, she makes me smile and makes my heart happy.

Ginger K.

Attuning Within’s sound ceremonies has brought me a deep sense of connection and renewal. It’s a truly magical experience.


Book a session now

Explore the transformative world of sound healing. Begin your journey towards a balanced and harmonious life.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a sound bath and what are the benefits of sound healing?

A sound bath is a holistic form of therapy where you are immersed and “bathed” in sound vibrations.

The benefits of sound healing is that it may help clear subconscious energetic, emotional, and mental blockages, and has been shown to help reduce pain, stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure, improve sleep, balance the chakras, and mind-body-spirit alignment.

Sound bypasses the thinking mind and the vibrations are able to work directly with the body.

  • What is sound healing and how does it work?

Everything in the universe has a vibrational frequency, including the cells within your body.

The vibrations made by instruments interact with your body’s cells, and since our bodies are approximately 75% water, they are a great conductor for vibrations.

Playing the crystal alchemy bowls, the quartz crystals in every bowl are able to amplify, transfer, and transmute energy. As the human body is crystalline in structure, the vibrational sounds of the quartz crystal singing bowls may produce profound effects on our organs, muscles, tissues, and cells, supporting endocrine, circulatory, nervous system, heart, and metabolic health.

  • What are Crystal Alchemy Singing Bowls?

The Crystal Alchemy singing bowls are made of the highest grade of quartz crystal, infused with gemstones, earth substances, minerals, and precious metals like platinum and 24-carat gold.

  • What can I expect from a mentorship with Roxanna?

Roxanna’s mentorship program is designed to provide guidance, support, and personalized tools for self-discovery, growth, and transformation.

Sound is medicine

Enjoy a Free Sound Bath!

For more information or to schedule a session, please contact me.